Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, December 6, 2010

LWP Giveaway

LWP is not only the best photographer in Arizona, but she is having a fantastic giveaway for the holidays. I just love every single item she has on this giveaway list. Can you imagine willing all of them!? Lets keep our fingers crossed. Go to:
to enter for your chance to win!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Mom I want to be just like you when I grow up. You make my heart feel special"

I just had to document this somewhere as I know there will be a time when I REALLY need to hear it. This little girl just melts my heart. I wish I could just bottle up her innocence, honesty, and compassion and keep it with me forever!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My life, as I know it, is officially over

Yes, Michael is crawling! It started as a squirm, moved into a lunge, then came the army crawl, and now he is full on moving. Watch out world, here he comes :-D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"Mom, did you know I have sleep stories?" -Mckaley

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mckaley's first pet

When we were in Ca, Mckaley took a trip to Sonora to get her first pet. My mom bought her her very own goldfish. 4 of them in fact. Mckaley got to chose exactly which fish she got and I've got to report she was just smitten with them. She wanted to do everything for them. She was really good about putting their bowl together, feeding them, keeping them out of the sun, and just plain watching them swim. Too bad 3 had to die within 4 days- yes 3/4 are now dead :( Actually make that 4 because I'm pretty sure that my mom and dad are no longer caring for "Walter" now that Mckaley has left town. What are you doing to do when we return mom!?
(here they are picking the little suckers, I mean fishies, out)
(Putting together the fish bowl)
(pure bliss)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Conversation with a 3 year old

4:45 am
Mckaley: Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! My milk spilled and my bed is all wet (crying)
Me: Its okay M, you just had an accident, its no big deal.
Mckaley: But it is my favorite bed, I can't sleep without my bed. Can I come in yours?
Me: Sure (too tired to even dispute)
5:10 am
Mckaley: (Rolling around in our bed like crazy!) Mom I can't sleep, can I have an egg sandwich?
Me: What???
Mckaley: You know a sandwich with egg and cheese and bacon.
Me: Like right now? How about you go to sleep instead?
Mckaley: How about you make me an egg sandwich?
Me: How about an eggo?
Mckaley: No deal. Egg Sandwich please.
5:30 am
Me: (frying up bacon)

3 year old=2 points
Mom=0 points and its not even 6 am yet